Woman Professionals in Cambridge

This is an incomplete list of tradeswomen/female professionals in Cambridge and the surrounding area who are either FACers themselves or who women within the group have spoken to, hired or are aware of.

Some women in the group have mentioned wanting to be able to hire tradeswomen/female professionals for work like garden clearance and plumbing, but haven’t known who to go to. Other women in the group may have a trade themselves, in which case please comment to be added! Maybe we can get a mini feminist economy going…

We can’t guarantee that it’s up to date or covers every need, but please feel free to comment with additions, corrections and reviews. (Though in the case of negative reviews we’re probably more likely to remove an entry than host a negative review.)

Please be lovely and respectful to all the women on this list! 🙂


Just So Plumbing (formerly “Girls On Tap”):

  • Area: Cambridge
  • Website: http://www.justsoplumbing.co.uk/index.html
  • Tel: 07887 955 309
  • Review: Sarah is super competent, friendly and not intimidating. She explained our choices in simple layperson’s terms and fitted everything quickly with no problems, including dealing with some awkward access issues to the pipes. It was just easy and simple, exactly what I’d hoped!

Plumbing Birds

I’ve used these women and they were very quick, reasonably priced and friendly (and showed me how to unblock the toilet myself with an old mop so I didn’t have to call them out again next time).



Jenny’s Garden Development:

One Comment on “Woman Professionals in Cambridge”

  1. “Jenny’s Garden Development” did some work at a property over the road from me, and, rather than clearing up the leaf litter, instead spent a good few minutes using a leaf blower to spread the leaves all down the cul-de-sac, over the pavements. She also left a pile of plant debris in the road where she had been parked up. If she’d have spent the time she spent blowing the rubbish all over the place on clearing up, there needn’t have been mess left strewn all down the street.

    Highly recommended if you can’t be bothered to go to the effort of p***ing off your neighbours yourself, but not recommended otherwise.

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