This is what S.P.U.C is telling your children in school…

What follows is a transcript of notes taken from a recent presentation given by The Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child [SPUC] at a local Cambridgeshire school. An audio recording was made of the presentation by members of Feminist Action Cambridge with the intention of exposing SPUC’s lies and misinformation.

As we all enter the lecture theatre there is a large projection with film and music overlaid. The looped video shows children playing outside, a baby lying on a man’s chest asleep, then sitting up and eating, an [extremely lifelike] animation of a baby in the womb. The text: ‘I feed’, ‘I grow’, ‘I move’ fades in and out.

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Why would you want to vajazzle your vagina!?!

At this year’s Southbank Centre’s WOW weekend festival on March 11th there will be a panel ‘debate’ on the topic of ‘Can you vajazzle and still be a feminist?’. I know this as I was nearly a panel participant. I say nearly because unfortunately they found someone else to argue the ‘No’ position before I could send my follow-up email to the panel organiser – missed opportunity – sure. BUT I figured that missed opportunity could be turned into a blog premiere on FAC (some would say an even better opportunity – I would be that person). And rather than just presenting at a panel discussion – I could present to the entire FAC blogsphere for discussion & commentary some of the thoughts I had about the topic of vajazzzling. I would also like to note here thar E-R has already provided a great post on the topic here.

So – can you vajazzzle and still be a feminist? Well – first off I want to say that whatever a women wants to do with her vagina is her own business! If she wants to wax, pierce it, sparkle it or mohawk it with blue hair gel it is none of my business (unless of course it is my vagina – then I will do what I please to it). And whatever she choses to do with her vagina, who I am to tell her if that does or does not make her a feminist!? So clearly I take issue with the premise – but I guess for arguments sake we can let that go – and focus on the ‘spirit’ of the topic – which I think is more/less ‘What would make a women want to vajazzle her vagina – and if she did, could she call it ‘feminism”.

Now – What would make a women want to vajazzle her vagina? What would make a women want to have all the hair ripped out of her vagina and when it is red, swollen and and its most sensitive have dozens of sticky little crystals stuck over the freshly opened pores? Opening one of her most delicate area to potential health concerns of pasting artifical glue over what could be salon bacteria…scary! I racked my brain – I googled it – I asked friends – one of which replied ‘Vajazzling – [insert explanation to friend here] – is THAT what that is !?!- I thought it was a new work-out thing like Jumba or Spinning class – why would anyone do that?!’ Why indeed?

My mind kept coming back to one word – Shame.

SHAME! This notion that women should be aSHAMEd of our bodies. That not only is your body not good enough when you don’t eat those extra pieces of cake, only wear the revealing yet fashionable clothes, when you conform to an unattaiable body images (see: H&M protest at computed generate bodies post), and when you pluck and wax the hair off in all the right places, but THEN you need to roll it all up in a rhinestone package in the (you can even get it in the shape of a bow) so it is not even recognisable to the natural state you started with!

Excuse me – but this ‘beauty treatment’ is going even further than just perpetuating the consistent message I get from nearly every clothes, beauty, and mobile phone ad that a women’s value is barely skin-deep. Vajazzing violates our most personal physical manifestation of ourselves as women – our vagina – and asks us to ‘buy in’ to the notion that it is not good enough without a bit of sparkle. That our worth as women – is no longer confined to what the outside world can see of us – but now is invading our bedrooms, showers and vulvas – and telling us that to ‘look our best’ naked we can never be truly naked – because that would just be gross!

Therefore – when I think about if a women were to vajazzle – could she call this act feminist – I would have to say a resounding NO! When I think of feminism as its most basic level I think of empowering women. And when I think of vajazzling and the message it is sending to me as a women – I do not feel empowered.

I feel degraded. [def. Reduced in quality or value – That my vagina is not something I should value unless it has been changed.]

I feel disgusted. [def. (1) to sicken or fill with loathing (2) to offend the moral sense, principles, or taste of – Infuriated that someone could try to make me feel ashamed with a part of my body that I do not even choose to share with them.]

I feel commodified. [def. (1) to turn into a commodity; make commercial. (2) to treat as if a commodity. Sickened by the financial obligation I should feel as a women to ‘enhance’ myself so I can be worthy of attention and admiration.]

I feel that vajazzling is vile and to quote E-R

So, porno-culture merchandisers [and associated celebrity puppets] can take their Swarovski crystals and glue them where the sun don’t shine. That’s right, Assjazzle yourself.

Who Can Find the Most Weird and Wonderful Antifeminist Propaganda?

Id like to start a little competition- who can find the most colourful anti-feminist propaganda?! Have a look at this if you are in need of a good laugh [content warning for one image of clearly fake aborted foetus]:
Its very interesting to see exactly what nutsy antifeminists think and why- it helps me to reason through my arguments against it- and this is good when someone you meet asks you to ‘explain feminism’, or challenges you to a slightly hostile debate about a feminist issue. This website appears to be put together by right wing american christians [as so many are] who don’t feel they have to make sense or use logic, so its quite funny. But the author mentioned- Phyllis Schlafly– is, i think, considered a serious intellectual and has written various books ‘The Total Woman’ being one critiqued by Mary Daly. Its not so funny when someone considered a respectable intellectual mounts a scholarly anti-feminist attack. Their arguments are more sophisticated, they know how to persuade a reader, they use current theories and [bad] science rather than religious doctrines. The more you know about anti-fem inism, painful as it is to read, the better prepared you are to defend yourself in a battle of ideas and wits!

Id highly recommend Andrea Dworkin’s ‘Right-Wing Women’ which is a fastinating study of women who are allied with right wing ideologies like fundamentalist christianity or faschism and who politically support their own oppression.

Antifeminism is the Political Defence of Woman-Hating

We tend to think of antifeminism as a floating concept. We most often use the word to describe things or events that seem independant of human beings- I might say a beauty pageant is antifeminist: the beauty pageant is a real event and the antifeminism exists conceptually . We tend to avoid thinking about antifeminism being to do with real people as political agents- of people being antifeminists, rather than holding an antifeminist view.

Antifeminists are individuals and organisations who attack feminism as a political movement. They want feminism as a movement and feminist women to just go away; but also to increase and compound the oppression of all women in general. They are a political organisation- a movement in and of themselves and they mount conscious attacks motivated by hateful ideologies. They use religious indoctrination, sham science, smear campaigns, jokes and ridicule etc in an organised way. There are many sexist cartoons of feminists. You will recognise her immediately- hairy armpits, dungarees, fat, miserable and shrill. Antifeminists shamelessly target individual feminists and use any personal history, any human flaw, and every worn stereotype to humiliate, threaten or discredit them. Think of the public images of Andrea Dworkin, Germaine Greer, Kate Millett or any other 20th century feminist woman.

Antifeminists have created the media image of us with the intention of damaging our movement. And it’s effective: we turn in circles trying to argue with this pervasive stereotype- feminists can be pretty and thin too!… but you dont have to try to be pretty and thin! You dont have to stop shaving your armpits- you can wear lipstick!… but its ok if you object to lipstick! feminists arent miserable cows!… but we dont have to act happy all the time! And on and on: antifeminists have defined the parameters of the discussion and the rules of debate. They’ve got us on the run. On the run in T-shirts that say This Is What A Feminist Looks Like. Proof that their campaign has worked.

Perhaps it is time we stopped saying to ourselves ‘what can we do about the deeply embedded socio-cultural structures we all operate within?’ And start directly attacking those people, groups and organisations who actively maintain and seek to increase our oppression in any way they can?

They are already attacking us- from religious fundamentalists to the right wing press-this is ideological warfare. Perhaps we should respond in kind?

Our new goal could be to attack antifeminists as much as we attack ‘Patriarchy: The System’ and then our activity can be focussed on something concrete. Its impossible to fight a disembodied concept- The Faceless Oppressor. And detrimental to think of it in that way- as if patriarchy is a floating entity with a mind of its own. Critically, we must also be willing to name the enemy to eachother and to ourselves. So, to clarify, men are the oppressors. Yes the social system of patriarchy and yes men as a class are the oppressors, but also actual physical individual men are responsible. No more They Who Must Not Be Named. Isn’t it mentally exhausting to think of having to fight ‘all men as a class’, when you could just fight ‘Brian who owns my friendly neighbourhood stripclub’? Of course thinking this way is scary: it means we must at some point decide what we ourselves are going to do about it, because it seems possible that we can do something.

People are the machinery which generates patriarchy again and again every minute: each time a man harrasses at you in the street, each time  a man buys a woman for sex, each time a sexist joke is made and people laugh, each time someone turns to page three of The Sun, each time your life is restricted by your sex. All of these re-creations of patriarchy are points of intervention- think of it as though patriarchy did not exist until this moment, when it will be brought into existence, and you are here ready to stop it. It is especially important that we practice the kinds of interventions that could be made at these moments and prepare the way actors prepare. What do you say when someone makes a sexist joke? what do you do when you see a woman being harrassed on the street? If its happening now and you’re unprepared its probably too late. If its happening now- this is the moment when patriarchy either gets born again or it does not- what are you going to do about it?

Not all people who live in the patriarchy are innocent pawns going about their daily ives, quietly aquiesing to sexism. Some people are the footsoldiers or the loudspeakers or the bankrollers by choice. Why not directly attack them as much as they attack us and why not use their own methods? What’s wrong with fighting dirty? Find an antifeminist near you and go for the jugular. If we are successful we’ll be able to pick out an antifeminist in a crowd- they will be the ones in T-shirts that say This is what an Anti-Feminist looks like.